Is Coaching right for you?

Questions to ask yourself if you are considering hiring a Life and Leadership Coach:
  • What have you reduced your life to, to accommodate fear?
  • Would you have more joy and peace of mind if you could change things within you or around you?
  • Are you “pressing in” for fulfillment, balance and satisfaction?
  • If someone could help you discover any self-limiting qualities that hold you back financially or relationally, would that benefit you?
  • What does “reaching life’s potential” mean to you?
  • How might you “deepen the learning” to “forward the action”?
  • Do you see yourself in action to becoming who you want to be?


What clients are saying:

“Definitely a game-changer for me.”

“Leaders use the benefits of being driven from their primal effectiveness. It’s who we are and what makes us successful. I found more of who I am through her visionary coaching.”

“She helped me see my strengths and change my way of thinking.”